The Day after London2012, Some Statistics and a Thank you

Today I felt a bit lost, no Radio, no BBC, and no Athletes. It was overcast in London, The Tube were busier… no shock there, and Heathrow was Mobbed, 203,000 pieces of Luggage passed thought the Airport today, at the specially built athletes terminal, before it’s converted back into a Car Park later this week…

As the dust settles on an amazing few weeks, we hope you all enjoyed our versions of the four yearly extravaganza. I would like to thank all the volunteers, government officials, service men & women and of could the British public, fans and Londoners for their feeling of love for fellow humans. Oh yeah and the 10,500 athletes for doing what they do best. Compete!

Here are a few Stats about London2012

London2012 cost £11.4 Billon.

The Olympic Flame travelled 12,784 km with 8000 Touch Bearers who averaged 300m each. The Flame’s route brought 95% of British population to within 16km of the Touch.

205 Countries supplied over 10,500 Athletes.

There was 26 Sports covering 39 Disciplines, which converted to 302 Medaled Events.

10,500 Athletes stayed in the Olympic Village, they used 22,000 Pillows. 34 Venues were used in Great Britain; we sold 8.8m tickets covered by 21,000 Media/broadcast journalists.

We had 70,000 Volunteers assisting those 8.8million ticket holders, those 34 venues supplied over 14 million meals.

We used 600 Basketball, 541 Lifejacket, 510 Adjustable Hurdles, 356 Pairs of Boxing Gloves, 99 Training Dolls and 12,000 Police.

There are 2,012 different Pin Badge designs available for £6 each. has over a billion visits has over 1.5k visits

However, it is not over yet, the greatest Paralympics Games ever will starts in 15 days time on the 29th August 2012. Over 2 million tickets have been sold already, with our Jonny Peacock waiting to show the World we have a Superhuman to challenge Oscar Pistorius.

Keep Monday 10th September 2012 free, Great Britain’s Olympians will parade through the Capital, to the cheers and applause of the British public.

What do you think about the government re-biding for 2024, and watch out Rio2016 the government will be funding £400 million towards bringing home even more GOLD.

Breaking News:

Scotland Yard are reporting nine arrests out of  8.8 million guests over the 34 Olympic Venues.



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