London Olympics 2012 – Day16


Britain’s Lucky Numbers: 3rd,  29 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze = 65 Medals

Great Britain won more medals on the last day (Day 16), Modern Pentathlon, (that run swim, shoot, sword fight & ride a horse event) & Boxing, With a cracking GOLD for Anthony Joshua, this future Heavyweight has talent, lets hope he’s better than that Poet! The odds-on bets came in with the US Dream Team beating Spain & Croatia dunking Italy in the Polo.

How can you win Olympic GOLD in only your fourth Marathon?

After all the Hype, we set the World Stage again, for a Party, Concert, and Closing Ceremony. A crowd of Billions waited for a statement, a show to end all shows, resurrecting John Lennon & Freddie Mercury certainly told the world of our intentions, when Great Britain parties idols join in “Dead or Alive”

When Sports Psychologists talks about the feelings of Anti-Climax after winning an Olympic Medal, as a fan, I can only imagine.

So, when a fan, picks up a newspaper tomorrow, switches on BBC or listens to Radio 5, what do we feel? I have just spent three weeks looking, listening and breathing London2012, We we have Anti-Climatic Flu or Post Olympics’ Fever.

Gary Barlow sang  his heart out, as the world wept for him. If this is the world I live in, remember it can be a really great place.

The Olympics maybe over, but, it will never be forgotten

Thank You, Lord Sebastian & Dr Jacques, Bloody Good Job


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