London Olympics 2012 – Day 13

The London 2012 Olympics added Rhythmic Gymnastics, Open Water Swimming & BMX into the Mix on Day 13.

Ashton Eaton may have looked exhausted finishing the 1500m for another USA Gold Medal, but he never really added any Personality to such a distinguished event, One which the British have grown to love. Remember those heady days of Bruce Jenner (aka Papa Kardashian,) and the only Unknighted British Hero, Daley Thompson, So I ask on behalf of all Olympic fans, Ashton please try using the crowd in future, London certainly missed a Personality and Iconic Image in this Legend Maker event. Bolt has it, but nothing on the Decathlon, his 200m success was put into place by David Rudisha‘s 800m World Record, An Athlete with Greatness, a Personality that oozes Honour, Respect and Privilege. Kirani James showed it in his 400m displays, as for love, just look at Felix Sánchez, emotion, fans love emotion. These personalities help sell their Sport, just look at Michael Phelps, Katie Taylor, Brazil’s Football Stars, Bolt, The US Dream Team & our Cyclists in the Velodrome, Ashton your GOLD is an achievement, don’t get me wrong, with time you’ll understand, you are carrying a massive honour as a Decathlete. Winning GOLD isn’t enough; it’s how you win the Decathlon that matters and the Fans want, sorry need that Hero.

Today’s Olympic Madness include Germans winning GOLD at Beach Volleyball, GB losing 9-2 at Hockey and BMX Riders, bring on the Relay.

Anyone seem Usain Bolt’s necklace, lost during his Victory Lap, British Police are looking for a person seen running fast from the Olympic Stadium…. How fast, is still to be reported.



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