Australia, Suck it Up, Gold’s will Come

In the time I spent backpacking around Australia, I learnt about pride, self-appreciation, and that understanding we have for all things British. Yes, Australians are bold, brash and some might say arrogant by nature, but for a British/Pommie point of view, we have over the years learnt to love that, and respect there inner belief in themselves.

In the 90’s when Sydney were awarded the 2000 Olympic Games, The Realists understood the long term effect of a Summer Olympics on a small population, resulting in certain talents moving from their Home Sports. Australia was Masters of four sports, The 2 forms of Rugby, Union and League, Aussie Rules and Cricket, plus the Pool in a summer Olympic games. So when England won the Rugby World Cup down-under, followed by success in Ashes Tours Home & Away, we found that the younger generation (under 25’s) didn’t understand failure, being beaten and of course their Idols not living up to expectation. This generation is now in the “Gold n Green”, They appreciate the History and the Rules, After Sydney 2000 there was a common understanding Australia was more competitive in other sports like Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Snooker, Golf, Volleyball, Hockey, Track n Field, even Darts have grown strong. So in any other nation this Realist might be right, Not so Australia, The Australian Crawl (Freestyle) was your creation, over the last 100 odd years it’s evolved to where it is now, after being almost banned in Europe, it even launched the career of Tarzan.

So, the point here is, Do you Change?

There are rival athletes that believe the hype, some dream of swimming faster, like an Australian (and the odd Yank!). Here is what I feel as a Sports Fanatic (and a POME). You have owned that Olympic Pool a number of time over the last 100 years. Re-written every area of swimming, certain rules were even rewritten to stop your progress. Your Rivals have lured your Coaches with promises of Riches, even tried to copy various swimsuits. Therefore, this chap James (Maggie) Magnussen, what a talent, and yes he knows it. He talked up and failed to deliver, by his own high standards…. It will come. I know a few world greats from your shores that have opened there trap once too often. Ian Thorpe on the BBC last night talked about “Maggie the Missile”, mentioning limp fingers and pressure pads, yeah right, a 100th of a second, you have 4 laps of excuses. The real issues are your swimmers are good, not great (yet) they need to understand London 2012 is becoming the Olympics of Quality, not Quantity. Their time will come.

In the Olympic Arenas your self-belief is being tested, the last thing we want to hear is the Australian Media trashing your future, the pool of talent is shrinking and the last thing you need is as an Athlete with those pressures, and with the adoption of social media it comes too fast and from all sides.

So, Australia, London calling, suck it up, Gold’s with come… and NEVER BLOODY CHANGE, keep talking, keep winning…


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